Take a moment to get to know our Guest Services Manager, Elizabeth.
Hi! I’m Elizabeth and I am the Guest Services Manager at the Eagle Public Library!
Why do you love Libraries?
I love libraries because I feel like everybody has a story about their favorite thing at the library or their favorite time at the library when they were a kid.
Why did you choose library work?
It chose me. I was about to graduate from college and I had no idea what I wanted to do, and I was working in a library. My supervisor gave me a pair of glasses on a chain and said, “You’re a librarian now, go to grad school.” And, that’s what I did.
How long have you worked at the Eagle Public Library?
I have been at the library here for 1 month and 2 days.
What’s your favorite story in the collection?
My favorite book right now is Where’d You Go, Bernadette because I read it, and then I also did the audio book. And then I read it with my mom. And then I also love the movie, so it covers all of the collection.
What story made an impact on you growing up?
I would say, as far as impact, it was The Phantom Tollbooth, because my dad used to read that out loud to us all the time. And even though it was not my favorite story, I remember it and I always recommend it to kids because it has that kind of adventure aspect they’re looking for. So, I would say that had a really big impact on me.
Watch the rest of Elizabeth’s interview on YouTube.