HouseCalls – Eagle Public Library’s delivery service to homebound residents
Are you or someone you know homebound? Whether its short-term or long-term, the Eagle Public Library’s free Homebound Delivery Service may be for you.
The Service is available to City of Eagle residents who are unable to use the library because they are generally confined to their residence either temporarily, due to illness or accident, or permanently due to age, disability or other mobility issues. Participants may reside in private homes, retirement residences, and assisted living facilities. Caregivers to a person requiring continuous care are also eligible. All you need is to reside in the City of Eagle and have an Eagle Public Library account in good standing. If you don’t have a library account don’t worry — it’s easy to get one!
HouseCalls can also provide information on the Idaho Talking Book Library, a service presented by the Idaho Commission for Libraries, which serves the blind and visually impaired residents of the state.
To enroll in HouseCalls, complete this form or call 939-6814, extension 152 or ask for Emily.