Adopted by the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees, January 14, 2014
Reviewed and Reaffirmed, May 15, 2024
The purpose of Homebound Delivery Service is to provide library materials to City of Eagle residents unable to come to the Library. Individuals, groups, and institutions are eligible for Homebound Delivery Service as outlined in this policy.
The collection offers materials in choices of format, treatment, language and level of difficulty. “Materials” has the widest possible meaning and includes but is not limited to print, audiovisual, and electronic formats. “Homebound” is defined as being generally confined to the residence either temporarily, due to illness or accident, or permanently, due to age, disability or other mobility issues. “Short-term limited mobility, illness, or disability” is defined as over thirty days. “An Eagle Public Library account in good standing” is defined as accounts not expired with fines and fees totaling no more than $10.00.
Participants in the Homebound Delivery Service agree to abide by all policies and procedures of the Eagle Public Library.
Eligibility for Service
Any person residing within the City of Eagle who meets the definition of homebound as defined above is eligible to participate in the program. Caregivers to a person requiring continuous care are also eligible. Participants are required to have an Eagle Public Library account in good standing. Homebound delivery applicants without an Eagle Public Library account may apply to open an account. Library materials will be checked out on the card of the person receiving the service.
Meeting the eligibility requirements will generally be confirmed when a library staff member conducts an interview with the applicant; in some cases, a doctor’s note may be required. Participants in the Homebound Delivery Service may reside in homes or assisted care facilities.
Delivery Schedule and Loan Period
Delivery will be scheduled at the mutual convenience of staff and patron. At the time new materials are delivered, the items from the previous delivery will be retrieved and returned to the library.
Fines and Fees
There is no fee for homebound delivery. As overdue fines are not charged to homebound participants, users are encouraged to have materials available for return in a timely fashion.
Privacy of Patron Library Records
Patrons who participate in the Homebound Delivery Service must agree to allow the Library to maintain a Reading History Log for the sole purpose of avoiding duplication of materials and circulation. The Reading History Log will only be used for internal purposes and will not be made public.
Homebound Environment Required for Delivery
Patrons requiring homebound services must provide a safe and appropriate environment for volunteers or staff members who make deliveries to their homes and patrons must protect all library materials while in their custody. Volunteers or staff members may choose not to enter a home, to leave a home immediately and/or to recommend suspension of the service if any of the following conditions exist:
- Pets are not confined (with the exception of service animals trained to assist a disabled person),
- A clear safe path to the home,
- Any person in the home is dressed in revealing attire,
- Any person in the home presents threatening behavior,
- Any person in the home uses abusive or obscene language, make obscene gestures or displays obscene images,
- Any person in the home harasses the library’s representative,
- Any person in the home exhibits signs of illness that may jeopardize the health of the library’s representative and the library has not been notified of the illness,
- Any person engaging in any illegal activity in the home at the time of the library’s delivery,
- Any library material currently in the possession of the homebound patron appears to be willfully defaced, mutilated, or damaged while in the custody of the homebound person, or
- Conditions in the home are unsafe or unsanitary.
If the volunteer or staff member must leave the home, deny service or wishes to recommend suspension of service because the occurrence of any of the above is deemed to make the home environment for delivery unsafe or inappropriate, the volunteer or staff member shall provide the Homebound Delivery Service Coordinator and the Library Director with notice of why such action occurred together with any recommendation for length of suspension of service.
The Homebound Delivery Service Coordinator will send written notice to the patron of the reason for and the length of any continuing suspension of service and shall provide a copy of the notice to the Library Director. No suspension of service in excess of thirty (30) days will be imposed unless it is recommended by the Library Director and approved by the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees. Any homebound patron may request in writing that suspension of the service be reviewed by the Board of Trustees at the next monthly Board meeting.
Amendment of Homebound Delivery Policy
The Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to review and amend this policy at any time.